Thursday, September 16, 2010

Disney Light

  It is reported that Walt Disney was an intense person. And he was a workaholic and he was always in the grip of passion.
   Intensity is living on edge: facing the abyss for the cause of depth;
   Intensity is creating: discovering ascension in vertiginous fall
   Intensity is burning: forgetting oneself for the sparkle of inspiration;
   Intensity is  breaking limits: infringing the expected, for the killing repetition;
   Intensity is overcoming rules:  Disobedience for the search of true self;
   Intensity is love: receiving infinitely and giving yet more;
   Intensity is flying: dispensing solidity to establish one's ground;
   Intensity is courage:  finding assertion in surrender itself;
     Intensity is fire: self-consumption for the sake of light.

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